Request new vendor/contractor account


This request is for creating accounts for a Contractor/Vendor/Consultant. The easiest way to identify if this is the right request is, are they directly employed by Road Scholar. If they are employed by Road scholar then you are likely looking for the New Employee Account Setup service request form.

If this this is the Service request you are looking for you will need the following information:

  • Name
  • Company
  • Employee within RS they will report to
  • Email address to forward email to
  • Start date
  • End Date (required)
  • Which user to mirror (copy) permissions
  • VPN (Separate Request: By default no new users/hires are granted vpn access )
  • Citrix (y/n and which apps)
  • Phone accounts
  • Other accounts needed (I.e. TravelStudio, Microstrategy, Salesforce, etc)
  • InRoad (y/n)
  • Add user to outlook addressbook (y/n) If yes- is their email going to their forwaded email address, or their roadscholar email address?
  • Who we are notifying once this task has been created.


Alternate names: Also known as: New Contractor, New Vendor, New accounts, Account creation, Account provisioning,

The Fine Print:

  • If you have several requests at the same time, please submit each separately. This allows us to assign work appropriately and to keep track of your requests.
  • If you have a specific deadline for a given request, please let us know what it is when you submit the request.
  • Please be as detailed as possible when submitting requests. For example, if you are reporting a problem with a service we maintain, please provide us with specific error messages or screen shots and any relevant information about the computer you're using.
Request Service

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