Purchase Request


If you need to order or request new computer hardware or software, you can make a request here. This is regardless of reason for why the replacement is needed.

Service Level Expectations

  • This service can be requested by anyone
  • This service takes at least 2-14 days to fulfill, depending on item requested
  • The cost for this service will vary depending on item requested

The Fine Print:

  • If you have several requests at the same time, please submit each separately. This allows us to assign work appropriately and to keep track of your requests.
  • If you have a specific deadline for a given request, please let us know what it is when you submit the request.
  • Please be as detailed as possible when submitting requests. For example, if you are reporting a problem with a service we maintain, please provide us with specific error messages or screenshots and any relevant information about the computer you're using.

Alternate names: Also known as: laptop, dock, computer, pc, mac, macintosh, apple, tablet, hard drive, printer, ipad, keyboard, mouse, damage, monitor, lost, broken, faulty, spill, coffee, electronics, printer, misplaced, laptop lock, upgrade, refresh, update, phone, polycom, headset, buy

Request Service


Service ID: 20831
Tue 6/20/17 1:17 PM
Tue 5/29/18 2:33 PM