My Recently Visited Services

Use this form to request a GL kit to be sent out.

Create or make changes to an existing Distribution Group

Request a security group be created/modified/deleted in Active Directory.

Add/Remove users in a phone workgroup, and/or modify settings of the workgroup

Update or change information for an order in Siebel or Lawson

Request a printer be moved physically, or initially configured

For both long and short distance desk moves

Restrict access to a folder in File Explorer

Request that we settle credit card errors from a Lawson report

If your name has changed (or you want it displayed differently)

Ask a question/General inquiry

Request tech setup for Conference Room 1A/1B, or any other conference room.

You can use this form to request help getting your personal equipment set up for Citrix or email access at home/remotely.

Request access to departmental shared drives.

Request that we reprocess a refund to a participant

Do you or a Colleague need access to the Road Scholar Wifi network?