For articles and information related to accessing or launching your Citrix Xenapp applications.
Sometimes tech desk will tell you to get a new citrix session. What's that about?
How to login to Citrix via web browser
Travel studio now showing up in citrix
Inbox never appears in Outlook
Do you have apps that randomly close themselves, but it only happens at the beginning of the day?
Windows 8 and Windows 10 both sometimes set IE or Edge browser as the default program for opening citrix apps. These apps need to be opened by Citrix Receiver in order to work.
When launching Citrix applications, it prompts the user to save the file rather than open it.
Clear cookies for a specific webpage, rather than all cookies.
HR Performance Pro and HR Performance Pro Training are missing in Citrix Receiver.
How to Install and what version to use for Citrix Receiver.
Unfreeze a frozen session / Kill a session / Kill an app / Find your server number
An introduction to Citrix for new employees
Citrix opening your documents, when you want your MS Word to open it?
How to update the server address in Citrix